Saturday, April 4, 2009

Open Email: Blog Post

Aristotle Kousakis
to Papa, Anastasia, Katherine, Courtney

i used your words in a blog post. i decided in the spirit of Gossip Girl i wouldn't seek your permission.

all complaints can be sent to the ultimate t.j. kous

Open Thread: Change of Plans

Aristotle Kousakis
to Papa, Mom, Anastasia, Katherine


Hello Fam, minus Peter (i'll get to that)

Pat and I are here in lovely Byron Bay NSW and the sun is out! We got here two days ago from Melbourne which was AWESOME! Loved it there.

Anyway, we're safe and Tommy arrives on Saturday which we're looking forward to terribly.

So, we were planning on going back to Nick's apartment after this, as he told us we could stay for the remainder of the trip, but he sent us a text message - yes a TEXT MESSAGE - to inform us that, in fact, his girlfriend will be moving into the place and us living there "mightn't be the best option." David and Virginia are graciously opening up their home to us, like they did for the week and a half before we left for Melbs. Although we really loved living there there doesn't seem to be a point in us going to live at someone else's parents house in the suburbs when we could both just be living at our own parents' houses in our own suburbs, so that's not really an option as far as we're concerned. And because we didn't budget for having accomodations for 6 weeks in Sydney we have decided to cut our trip short. It's not terrible for us, we feel like we had a really good run and a great trip, we were just hoping to have some quality time at Nick's for the last bit. We did buy tickets for a concert on May 11, and we have a week or so left at our yoga studio, so we're going to call Qantas and look into how much it costs to change our flights and see if there's a difference between dates like May 5th and May 12th. (This is where Peter comes in). If we happen to come home on the 12th, or even beforehand, i thought it might be nice to not tell him so it can be a bit of a birthday surprise (We tend to love sneaking up on each other don't we?).

Anyway, I am basically just peeved and a little hurt that Nick didn't have the decency to inform us of plans he's been making with his girlfriend for what seems like a significant period of time. I mean they must have known about this, or that it was a possibility, for at least a month, and we could have adjusted our plans to stay the whole time. Just strange, and put us in a bit of a tight spot.

So that's that. I will let you know as soon as things are more concrete. We just got this news last night, so it's still a bit of a shock.

Lots of Love and no words to peter!


Aristotle Kousakis
Forward to Courtney, Lauren


John P. Kousakis
to me, Mom, Anastasia, Katherine


Understood...and sorry about the misinformation from Nick. It happens...but not cool.

Despite the unfortunate nature of your trip being cut short, I'm happy you're coming home.

Peter will be thrilled, I'm sure, as will we all.

Be safe.

Lots of love


to me


Kous man,

I am appaulled by this Behaviour. Nick Cobb salad is not one of the beautiful people afterall.

However, an opportunity presents itself. Girl wonder will be on the best coast starting may 21. It would be an honor to see your damn mug again.

I look forward of hearing your plans and possibly seeing you in the present.


Katherine Kousakis
to me, Papa, Mom, Anastasia


I'm so very happy for you but very sad for me. I want to come home...

Sorry nick was so lame. That's so not cool. I would be upset. But you've had a great time and coming home early isn't the worst thing.


John P. Kousakis
to Katherine, me, Mom, Anastasia


Great advice KKo...As always, you're astute thinking shines through.

Loves xoxooxxo

Anastasia Kousakis
to John, Katherine, me, Mom


YOUR astute thinking! Sorry, I had to do it...

John P. Kousakis
to Anastasia, Katherine, me, Mom


STOP!!! Leave me alone...:-(

Anastasia Kousakis
to John, Katherine, me, Mom


You're not the only one - Telly made a similar mistake on my facebook wall! Don't feel bad.

Aristotle Kousakis
to Anastasia


i typoed on you're wall!!!??

Anastasia Kousakis
to me


you so funny

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I Think I'm Lost: Deus Ex Machina

I did something that I promised myself I wouldn’t do. I watched season one of LOST again. Well it was actually just one episode, and a damn good one at that. It’s the John Locke episode with the one and only Swoosie Kurtz as his fur clad estranged mother.

I noticed a few weeks ago that ABC has been playing season one at 1:30 late Saturday night/early Sunday mornings (I had just finished SNL). This week I decided I would treat myself to a bit of perspective and watch an old episode. The info on the cable told me it would be “Fire + Water” the episode where Charlie tries to drown baby Aaron. Turns out it was “Deus Ex Machina,” an entirely important episode in the lineage of LOST.

I had been against re-watching LOST since I began watching it. I wanted to rely on my memory (and, yes, lostpedia) to piece this mystery together. I didn’t want to delve into the past of the show for fear of it tainting with my perception of its present (ha!).

I forgot that LOST has always played with time. It constantly shines light on its characters from all angles of their existence and I forgot how mysteriously the past spoke to the present during the show’s first two seasons.

Turns out it’s a hell of a lot of fun to watch this show knowing (part of) its fate. It’s almost like watching the episodes from this side of the looking glass, where the past, present and future all dance around each other.

Right now I’m watching John Locke get swindled by Anthony Cooper aka Sawyer (who as we all know swindled the parents of our beloved James Ford aka Sawyer) and knowing the fate of this terrible and despicable man is so pleasing. And without realizing it the first time around, this dynamic between John and his father is still perfectly relevant in the grand scheme of the show; looking back on it did not make it seem superfluous, minuscule or unimportant. The flashback remains a valuable tool in the narrative.

The true joy of watching this early episode was its present. It has everything to do with what it was like a mere handful of days after these people crashed on the island. It was a really new time. I mean, Boone is there and Kate and Sawyer and Jack (who is relied upon constantly for medical advice) and Michael and Jin all live together and Sun has her garden and a thick Korean accent. I was filled with joy revisiting early life on the island. It’s pure nostalgia for the present.

This is the episode where Boone gets into the plane! (“Theresa falls up the stairs, Theresa falls down the stairs…”) Pivotal, really. His death not only marks the first departure of a regular cast member but also ushers in the birth of Aaron, who goes on to become quite a controversial character (hello, he’s part of the Island Dynasty). This is also where the show becomes dangerous in a way - the first time a character’s life is compromised by another’s.

This is also the EXACT episode I was watching (alone in the middle of the night on the couch at La Condesa) when I decided I needed to keep a journal. The journal ended up being mostly exclamations, quotations and questions rather than fully-formed thoughts. Here is the (short) entry for this episode:

Poor Boone, I don’t want him to go.
Who’s to say what’s right or wrong anymore? It depends on who you trust and what you’ve done.
“Don’t tell me what I can’t do!”
Boone… is this it?

I am personally shocked that I did not reference this episode's end in my LOST journal. What an ending!! After discovering he has lost the feeling in his newly reanimated legs, getting rudeboxed by his fake father and his REAL mother, coercing Boone deep into the jungle (only for Boone to get rudeboxed by a Nigerian priest’s drug plane falling off a cliff), dragging said Boone all the way back to camp with numb toes and shrapnel in his calf and then stealing away in the night, John Locke pounds on the eye-shaped hatch’s window. This is the first time we can see – the hatch is a giant eye, the window its pupil. He curses the island for misleading him, curses himself for believing things were getting better. Then the light goes on. Have all his prayers been answered? Is he on the right path? Was Boone’s accident in vain? And what the fuck is this light?!...LOST

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Open Text to Patrick Conn: Biggest Loser

Was in awe of what can only be called an Official Trainer Bob Meltdown on last night's Biggest Loser. I've never seen our boy like this. It's bigger than when we discovered that he's the mean one on BL:Australia

Monday, January 5, 2009

Open Text to Katie Clark: Melrose II

It's getting truly crazy. I think Alison may have been raped by her father! Everybody hates Sydney (which is sad) because she is ACTUALLY clinically insane and is now running the high class hooker biz while the bosslady is in the slammer! And Kimberly's is just waiting in the wings to rudebox them all!! I'm going to send you the box set when I'm done, but only if you promise to watch.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Open Text to Katie Clark: Melrose

I don't know when it happened but Melrose is officially nuts! Remember Jo's reunion buddy? Well, he stole Jo, Jake and Amanda's money, kidnapped Jo and locked her in the storage box on his boat that he uses to traffic drugs into Mexico for TWO DAYS. Jo rudeboxed him with a shotgun shot to the gut. And that was just over two episodes!!

I miss you.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Xmas

Dear Readers,

I hope this finds you warm and snuggly, with all the ones you love. Enjoy the day and have some fun.

Much love,
The Ultimate T.J. Kous

PS. What did Santa bring you?? My parents took me to the next level by getting me my very first Tom Ford. It's a bottle of cologne, and I love it!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Chinese Roger Lodge

My old pal at Room 907 has found himself at a crossroads of sorts. The once and future ad man may be taking a hiatus from the biz for a stint in the entertainment industry. Blessed with good looks and natural charm 907 has rightfully boasted his charismatic abilities in front of the camera despite his lack of experience.

He came across this ad in the Shanghai City Weekend. Could it be a competition reality show or a will it be a Real World style sit-about? Will they ship him off to a strange island for some RW/RR-type stunt fare or will he be locked up Big Brother style with some crazy folks from anywhere in the Western World!?

Well not just one but two television opportunities fell upon the unemployed Canadian boy in China. The studio is looking for a young charming Western personality to host a new show featuring engaged Chinese couples with a desire to wed in exotic international locations. Who's going to lead them through these global nuptial adventures? You guessed it - Ol' PConnzo!

Kudos on these prospects P. I'm pulling for you!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Big Excitement

Everyone's favorite multi-wived family is finally back - after over a year! Yesssssssss!